Know your Role™
What is Know Your Role™?
In 2016, the Southern Oregon Sports Commission coined the phrase Know Your Role™ and development began on a marketing and media campaign that not only draws attention to the problem of poor participant behavior around athletics, but that also aims to change that culture for the better.

The Know Your Role campaign also addresses the epidemic of poor behavior toward sports officials and aims to correct said problem through a series of positive messages and continued reminders that participant safety, enjoyment, growth, and development are the most important aspects of sports.
Why are youth sports so important?

Poor behavior in youth sports has led to:
Over the past decade or so, the steady decline of officials and participants involved in youth sports has increased at a staggering rate. The problem has gotten so bad, that several areas and sports have had to limit the number of teams, games, and sporting events they are able to offer.
75% of youth athletes quit sports by the age of 14. To compound the issue, 80% of rookie referees are quitting after two years. These problems face parents, coaches, athletes, and athletic administrators.
Study after study shoes the number one reason youth athletes leave a sport is simply because they are no longer having fun. Plus, the number one reason referees are leaving their positions is because of the way they are treated by coaches and parents.
How can we all make youth sports better?
You can only be one: A Parent, An Athlete, An Official, or a Coach. You can only be one, so Know Your Role. We love youth sports and it’s our responsibility to keep them great! The Know Your Role campaign will remind everyone involved in youth sports of the importance of appropriate behavior to better the culture and love of sports in our community.

How to become involved:
If you would like more information on how you can implement the Know Your Role™ message in your school, club or organization, contact Matt Ten Haken with the Fox Cities Convention & Visitors Bureau at 920-734-3358 or