FCCVB & BConnected Partner to Host Free Industry, Local Business Webinar: Social Media in a Post-COVID19 World
The Fox Cities Convention & Visitor Bureau is offering local industry partners, small business leaders, and other interested professionals to learn more about social media and digital marketing in a post-COVID19 era.
Chris Burns from BConnected LLC will give a free presentation ("Social Media in a Post-COVID-19 World") on Thursday, June 18 from 1-2 p.m.
When the COVID-19 crisis is over – and it will be, sooner than later – many small businesses will struggle to regain their market share and reconnect with their clients. On the flip side, some businesses will emerge stronger than ever. These businesses will be the ones that prepared, adapted, and improved during the shutdown. What makes these businesses stand apart from the rest will be the actions that are taken now and within the next few weeks. The world economy is likely to look much different than what we saw before the pandemic. So what can your business do to reconnect and stay relevant?
Businesses of all sizes are having to quickly adapt to Covid-19 and social unrest. So, how should we react at a time when many of our customers are quarantined, stressed, frustrated, and uncertain?
This webinar will provide some practical tips on how to conduct your marketing as we navigate out of COVID-19 and into a new normal. Chris will also be sharing practical and affordable tactics and best practices that you should be working on now, to maximize the current economic climate and help your business bounce back stronger than ever. There is something in this webinar for businesses of all industries and sizes. This interactive presentation will range between 45-50 minutes and will include plenty of time for Q&A at the end. Registration is not required.
Zoom information is below:
Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82889651171
Meeting ID: 828 8965 1171
One tap mobile: +13126266799, 82889651171# US (Chicago)